May 26, 2007

Spawners May , 2007

Time to collect and put some of the interesting links for the month of May,2007.Below are some of the links which I found interesting:

  1. Ken speaks about Things to talk when meetup with a Venture Capital
  2. Professor Sadagopan speaks about Advice to graduating students (Must read for the new entrants in the industry)
  3. Udayan Bose speaks on Retaining good team members through Loosing a good team member
  4. Business Punditon What Tiger Woods can teach you about running a business
Interesting points from Professor Sadagopan's article:
The Internet generation has lots of strengths but one major weakness. They seem to have substituted “read” with “browse”.

Interesting points from the Business Pundit article:
In business, I think we often know the things we should do, but instead we try to do the things we want to do. We like the random fun things. We want to plan, brainstorm, hold meetings, all the stuff that doesn't require any discipline or focus. Unfortunately it's also all the stuff that doesn't make us better at what we are ultimately trying to do. We know we should be putting, but we want to take out the big driver and have a good time. Then we complain about our score.

It's hard to be the best. To do it, you have to be willing to go above and beyond what everyone else is doing. You have to spend 4 hours at the range with a single club, if that's what it takes. Is it fun? Of course not. But if you can make the short term sacrifices in order to reap those long-term successes, you'll experience a joy that most people never do.
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Spawners February , 2007
Spawners April , 2007

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