December 2, 2006

Bar Camp Session 3: How Innovators Connect

Session by Rohit Agarwal , the CEO of TechTribe

Author of "How Innovators Connect" along with Patricia Brown.The Book contains the story of Entrepreneurs and story about them.People cannot learn more from books but by interacting with different people.To be innovative , you can also be Imitator( is an imitation of"Ideas dont mean anything".

His saying : "Every Indian is an Innovator"."Every Entrepreneur connect with themselves".Connect with themselves : Jan Baan and Manoj Saxena.

Connect with
  1. Themselves (Jan Baan and Manoj Saxena).When do you when you are ready top start.
  2. Fear (Rajiv Samant and MR Rangaswami).Get over the fear of failure
  3. Failure (Desh Deshpande and Dan Harden).Failure is a learning curve.Failure is in our heads.Desh Deshpande sold his first company for $26.This is when he had put all his savings and he had two kids.But soon after that,he started his next venture.
  4. Environment (Ganesh Natarajan and Tom Erickson)
  5. Team (Manoj Saxena and Tom Erickson).No Silicon Valley venture was started by a single person!!! "Dont Hire people search for Co-Founders"
  6. Customers (Mark Hoffman andd Phaneesh Murthy).Accept crticism from people and improve from those comments
  7. Money (David Skok and Mark Hoffman).There is immense for VC money in India.Do you have passion and do you have drive,than the VC money will be easy
  8. Ego - I cannot have my ego takeover
When you start a company,go with your gut and listen to the universe.Environment is always correct
Immitation is the best form of Innovation
Ideas never get stolen-->Implementation of idea is important.Share ideas with people whom you trust
Can I convince two people to put money in your venture(which is not so simple,as you think)
Take negative feedback and improve that feedback
Every idea starts with "No" says



At Dec 2, 2006, 9:05:00 PM , Blogger Varada said...

hmmmmm good one

At Dec 3, 2006, 10:08:00 AM , Blogger Himanshu Sheth said...

Hi Varada,
This session was really informative and the book which is mentioned is a "MUST BUY" since it has experiences of the entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley.It also tells you what mistakes you should not make when you start your own venture.


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